Managers and Millennials — Training "I like my training in small bites; not 8 hours at a time and sitting in a lecture hall. Why can’t this process be more fun and entertaining? This doesn’t mean I am not motivated, I am but I would like to see training handled a bit more creatively. I want to make an impact here!" Millennial’s words when asked their views of training done in FIIS.
We asked Millennials to describe the training received in their institution and how to they see, feel and think it works; or in some cases, doesn’t. In the workplace today there can be a difference of 60 years between the oldest and youngest employee on staff if your company doesn’t have mandatory retirement! This may be the first time in history this is occurring. If the intergenerational cultural divides are not acknowledged and dealt with, we may see discon-nects, conflicts and a loss of productivity. Training for each generational group should be different and in fact, Gen Y expects training to be tailor-made to the way they like to learn and due to the desire for instant gratification, completed quickly. Gen Y are used to this type of customization; from being able to order socks in combinations of their favorite colors, to changing the backgrounds on their phones in a mille-second! Want to know more, come check out the second edition. |