This Study explores the cultural and perceptual issues that divide banks and insurers. The 2008 study is the third of a continuing investigation of the concerns confronting banks and their insurance partners. Most sample surveys involve cross-sectional analysis. That is, they provide a snapshot of a sample of a population at a single point in time. Time however, is itself one of the most important variables in solving bank insurance issues. The study of change over time is called longitudinal analysis. Longitudinal analysis of survey data can be subdivided into three types: trend analysis, cohort analysis, and panel studies. Trend analysis examines overall change over time and cohort analysis means that the same group within that time-frame is peers or members with similar characteristics. As we now have three Bridging the Cultural Divide Studies completed in the USA, (2003, 2005 and 2008) we are using both trend and cohort analysis.
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July 2015